2008年10月11日,我来到了久违的尼泊尔。我是微笑的,但是你带给我的忧伤我还未完全释怀,所以请暂时忘记我的眼神,也请忘记我的招牌笑容。11Oct2008, I came to Nepal. I am smiling, always. But part of the sadness that you given me is still with me, so please forget about my eyes, and please forget about my smile.
坐在尼泊尔航空班机里,刚好我坐在右边的靠窗位,清楚地一览了喜玛拉雅山脉。上面是雪山,下面是云端;外面是坚强,里面呢?I am so lucky to sit at the window seat of the right in the plane, so I can view the Himalaya clearly. Up to the top part is snow mountain, the bottom part is clouds; The surface looks strong, how about the deep of our heart?
一名妇女蹲在大路边,面对着外墙,不像在乞讨,是在思过吗?身边的男孩,大热天围着围巾,是内心不够温暖吗?A woman is sitting on a side of the road and facing the wall, she doesn't look like begging something, is she thinking of her whole life? The young boy put on a scaft in this hot day, is the heart not warm enough?
生活?生活。Life? Life.
亲爱的苹果,你的颜色让我觉得生命是精彩的;亲爱的香蕉,你的形状让我觉得生命是精彩的。谁买了你们,我会不会记住,那没有什么,最重要的是,你让我精彩过,至少,这一刻。My dear apple, your color makes my life wonderful; My dear banana, your shape makes my life wonderful. I will never remember who bought you, its doesnt matter, you just need to know that, you made my life wonderful, at least, now.
我们是否正在等待着同样的东西?我们用了一生多少时间等待?等待会漫长吗?等待会泪流满面吗?我等待着。Are we waiting for the same thing? How much time we have been used to wait in our life? Is waiting take times? Is waiting make people cry? I am waiting.
加德满都是尼泊尔的首都,流行服装也在这里盛行。其实挂在身上的布华丽不华丽,因人而异,我只是想知道,内心的华丽。Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal, fashion is also running in here. But no matter how nice is a fashion, and how many dress we change, please dont forget to dress up our heart.
兜售笛子的男人。有些东西,我们明知道是如此地困难,却依然坚持着;我相信,总会有人买笛子。A flute seller. Sometimes, we keep the faith, no matter how hard it is; I believe, there must be someone to buy the flute, give time.
这些电缆线是在和越南的比赛吗?出自人们手下的凌乱,也许乱不过现代人的思想。Are these cable having a competition with Vietnam's? Look at all these people's creation, how tidy is a human's mind?
What are you doing now? Where is the way that we walked half?
《Nepal Trip of Forgotten》 is coming soon. Something is rotating, and so is life...