Wednesday, October 22, 2008


夜的宁静/ The night is so silent
是时候好好反省/ It is time to think about it
月的阴晴圆缺就像我的心/ My heart is just like the moon with different shape
夜下着雨/ The night is rainning
天在哭泣/ The sky is crying
不知道何时才放晴/ When does the sunshine come
我忽然非常想念你/ I suddenly miss you so much
你的背影/ Your everything
让我失去了理性/ Makes me loose my rationality
你的放弃/ You gave up
让我迷失了自己/ Made me lost myself
你的离去/ You left me
就像刺青/ Like a tattoo
永远烙印在我的心/ Forever carved on my heart
是如此痛而如此的美丽/ So painful and so beautiful
我努力的想哭泣却哭不出泪滴/ I'm trying to cry but there is no tears
/ Is my heart paralysis?

1 comment:

MisSuGaR said...
