Sunday, September 9, 2007

Being Jesus's Disciple

Jesus says that to follow him we must put him first and carry our cross daily.

But do I consciously make this is a daily choice?
Do I give each day to God at the beginning of it - not at the end?
Do I make choices based on "what Jesus would do?"
Are my choices more in line with the choices our culture says are important?
Am I living the way of the cross?
Am I putting others first?
Am I compassionate?
Do I seek justice for all?
Do I see the image of God in others and honour them accordingly?
Am I loving?
Am I honest and truthful?
Do I seek to live as Jesus did?
Am I conscious of God in the everydayness of my life?
Do others see Jesus reflected in my life?
Do I simply carry the cross into church and forget about it the rest of the week?

I pray, to be more aware of what it means for me to put God first and to carry my cross daily so that God can be revealed and touch others in ways that I can not imagine.

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